KnockPy Subdomain Scanner - A Powerful Tool for Fast Subdomain Enumeration | Cyber Dioxide

Knock Subdomain Scan

Knockpy is a portable and modular python3 tool designed to quickly enumerate subdomains on a target domain through passive reconnaissance and dictionary scan.

knckpy subdomain scanner
Knockpy 6.1.0

The Significance of Subdomain Scanning

Subdomain scanning plays a crucial role in securing online environments. Think of subdomains as secret passages into a website or network. These hidden corners can be a playground for cyber threats if left unchecked. By actively searching for subdomains, we unveil these potential vulnerabilities and safeguard against unauthorized access. It's like having a trusty detective who meticulously checks every nook and cranny, ensuring our online space remains a fortress. In essence, subdomain scanning is the front line defense, preventing sneaky intruders from finding the backdoors to our digital world.

How to Install:

Its time to start digging for getting some critical information.

  • git clone
  • cd knock
  • sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

For Manual Running

  • sudo python3

For Permanent Installation

  • sudo python3 install
  • knockpy
KnockPy report and results


As a standalone command line tool. Help comes with the tool.

Knockpy Usage


Knockpy has different modes depending on your scan requirements. Heres a list along with description.

Silent mode: --silent

knockpy --silent 

Hide terminal output and save json report in the output folder. Using --silent with the --no-scan option hides the banner and shows the list of subdomains to the terminal. 

knockpy --silent json

Hide terminal output and print final results in csv format.

knockpy --silent csv 

Output folder: -o

All scans are saved in the default folder knockpy_report. Alternatively, you can use the -o /path/folder to define the new folder path or disable autosave using -o

knockpy -o /path/to/folder

Show report: --report

Print the report in the terminal in a human format.

knockpy --report knockpy_report/domain.com_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.json

Plot report: --plot

knockpy --plot knockpy_report/domain.com_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.json

KnockPy Plot

Conclusion: Keeping Our Online Space Safe:

In a big world of the internet, subdomain scanning is like a superhero for our websites. It searches for secret doors that bad guys might use to get in. By doing this, we make sure our online home is safe and sound. Think of it as locking all the doors and windows in our digital house. Subdomain scanning is the friend that helps us keep the online bad guys away. So, as we explore the internet, let's keep our superhero, subdomain scanning, with us to guard our online space.

There are other tools too, but the smoothness, flexibility of KnockPy, made me to write the precious blog for you.


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